Life is a journey, not a destination.

My adventures in the captivating world of Aden and Elmore... tribute to my friends... encounters with heroes and monsters. Welcome to Nine Lives of Irijs - the Lineage II chronicle.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tip of the Day

An old man lived alone in Minnesota. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, who would have helped him, was in prison.The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his situation:

"Dear Son, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I hate to miss doing the garden, because your mother always loved planting time. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me, if you weren't in prison. Love, Dad"

Shortly, the old man received this telegram:
"For Heaven's sake Dad, don't dig up the garden!! That's where I buried the GUNS!!"

At 4 AM the next morning, a dozen FBI agents and local policeofficers showed up and dug up the entire garden without finding any guns. Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what happened, and asked him what to do next.
His son's reply was:
"Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It's the best I could do for you from here."

No matter where you are in the world, if you have decided to do something deep from your heart you can do it. It is the thought that matters not where you are or where the person is.

Valentine's Day

Scroll of escape to my love...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Stolen Happiness

Like I said, my life begins at the sunset. My human form is just a shell, something to protect me from the sun and the curious looks of the people around me. So it’s nothing fancy and I don’t feel much connection with it really. But when I transform my body takes the shape that I adore. My pale skin and deep dark eyes, my bones so light that when I run my feet barely touch the ground. And my little pointy ears. So I put on my robes, equip my miracle sword and cast my spells. I breath the chilly air and I feel the energy, I hear the other nightlings come alive and see the bright moon watch over us with its purple eye. It’s the time when my friends start to gather, we greet each other and exchange protection spells; we show our new skills and meet the chosen ones who have joined us. For the outsider we appear to be idly walking around and not paying attention to what’s going on around us… but that is an underestimation. We have eyes in towns and ears in the hunting grounds, we have friends and allies and we are always alert. So when someone gets in trouble it all changes. Senses sharpened, weapons in hand we walk to battle with our heads held high and even if we lose we never give up. And that’s because of who we are but also because of our leader. He is the most amazing creature I have met (and I have seen all kinds) and there are moments when I am not sure he is even from this world. For he has skills and power that I cannot comprehend. Though he belongs to the same race as me, he has been trained by different masters so he controls the dark forces of the night and rides the winds, surrendering enemies to his magic. He sends out hurricanes and vortexes of pure evil, he runs like the tempest and he is always in front of us going to battlefield encouraging us when we feel weak and sharing our glory when we win. Our enemies fear the sole sound of his name and it fills them with hatred because their encounters are deadly. But there is a side of him that not many people see as it’s hidden behind the air of power and unquestionable demand of loyalty, the need to be faithful to your brothers until the day you die. He cannot allow himself to be weak, at least not in front of us. Only I know what he hides inside, only I see the moments of despair and doubt; self-accusations and sadness. No one can be strong always but if you have to lead, you are not one of us any more – you have to be stronger than the strongest and faster than the fastest. You have to see everything and hear everything; know things before they even happen and plan ahead and at the same time be caring and understanding and know when it’s time to show your steel and when it’s time to share the love you have for us. And for all of that he is, I love him more than I ever have loved anyone; I am willing to give my life for him and I follow him to the end of the world or to the deepest hell if that’s what he needs. I stand by him when he is happy and I stand there when he is desperate. I am always there if he needs someone to talk to and I am always loyal to him. No one has the right to hurt my angel. And it’s with him where I have my sweetest moments of being adored and with him I feel that I’m special. We cannot be together much and it’s the hardest thing for me, every time we say goodbye I feel like something is breaking inside me and I can only survive this by counting the hours when we can meet again. We cannot share our love with all our friends, for life is sometimes more complicated than we want; so we have to hide what we feel and sometimes it’s so painful to see him lying dead on the ground or being attacked by false accusations and just standing there not able to run to him and hold his body close to me or to speak up for him saying that I know that he can never do the things he is blamed for. Therefore the times when we are together are sacred, like an ice crystal glittering in the starlight – so beautiful and ever so lonely. It’s not like the usual bodily experience when your love is transferred to lust and desire, though certainly we have that, the sensation of melting into each other and moving in some universal rhythm that you can only feel not understand with your mind. But what we have is the unity of souls, the unique situation where you don’t have to speak any more to say something to each other… the closeness where you can stay quiet for hours just breathing in synchronized pace, or you can talk about everything and you know exactly where and how deep you can go. You share everything and yet you keep your personalities and instead of giving in to the one who is stronger, you unite them together and create something wonderful. So that is why I devote myself to making him happy; that is why his sweet smile fills my heart with sunshine and his touch is like an electric charge through my body.
But the sun is coming up so I have to close this chapter and hurry to my hideaway, dreaming of my sweetheart and sharing my feelings with this diary…

The Beginning

First I have to tell you a bit about where I come from… It’s a god forsaken place on the coast of a cold northern sea. Most of the year it’s dark and sharp winds rush across the almost mountainless terrain. The nights are clear and the sky is filled with little stars that blink down at you like millions of curious eyes of a creature so old it has melted into the core of the universe. When the warm season approaches the days begin to turn longer and nights shorter but that’s just for a remote time, it’s like the interlude between two parts of a theatre performance… Just long enough to get a glass of wine from the cafĂ© but short enough to still be floating on the air of the things that you have just seen on stage. Summer at this latitude is like a dream, you enjoy it to the fullest when you have it and then it’s gone and you are not even sure it was there… So most of us are more or less night creatures, we have adjusted to the harsh environment, we can stay without eating for weeks, even months; our bodies have gone through an evolution which has used all our advantages and slowly erased useless features. We can travel long distances without needing to rest and we can hear a child whisper on the other side of the frozen sea that separates us from our closest neighbors.
So I hope you understand that all this has made me what I am now. Sometimes it makes me sad that I have become emotionless and don’t feel things like I used to do. But then again it’s the only way to survive here. We have seen invaders sail to our harbours on fancy ships, setting up camps and travelling inward but for some reason they never get anywhere… They either lose their minds and then wander endlessly along the icy roads, never hardly saying a word and only looking at you with their eyes full on universal fear and not even realizing that its snowing and they are walking around barefoot. Or they get attacked by something that sneaks to their camps, sleeps their guards and leeches out their lives so that one traveller who once came across such deserted camp, has written in his diary “…and they were all lying there, faces totally empty; looking as if something has just flown through them and devoured all their souls”.
I’m a transformer. It means that I walk like human at daytime and I can do that at night but not very often this is the case. Usually I finish my daily routines at sunset (which in these areas comes real quick accompanied with a pale moon which seems to be made of bone), then go for a quick prayer in my private shrine and when I feel that my soul has been purified from all the negative energy I have gathered during the day I will do the Ritual. Most probably you will ask what it is like, well I have to apologize but this is meant only for the chosen ones. Already in the very beginning when I’m starting to chant the first verses of the spell I can feel the power of my ancestors flowing through me and I start to shiver all over. From a certain point I don’t think anymore, just feel; feel how the strength of centuries before me runs in my veins, fills my heart and mind. And then I know I’m ready. Ready to slip out of this world and enter another one, a world where everything is different… a world where we are what we want to be and a world where I know my beloved one will be waiting…